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Saturday, March 21, 2009

Make Blog And Make Dollar

Make a web or blog is not a matter which is difficult at this time, especially now many sites that offers blog creation, free again, the example that is in, you can create your blog and edit your blog to become as well as possible . And free than even we can get revenue from the blog, that is by working together with google adsense, but we must meet condition. Among the condition that you must have a google account. Google account to get easy, and free live aja visit and make the sign up and fill the data and follow the instructions. Terms of google adsense blog is your bahsa main language must be supported by google adsense, among which is the English language, if not in the language indonsia support adsense.
How to create a blog visit aja finish and go with the google account and a blog with indonseia language, follow all the instructions. Then register your blog kegoogle adsense, how can the list in the blogspot dashboard or visit / adsense and fill the form with all full, then you will receive an email from google about your blog. Pelajarai email, and what the team is by google do, that your blog is accepted by google adsense. You want to see a blog that has been accepted by google adsense please visit and please find the information in this blog.
Please Try ....

Topics : Blog, Free, Adsense , Money